Research Paper


・ 木村玲二・近藤純正・大槻恭一・神近牧男:砂丘砂ソルガム圃場におけるバルク輸送係数と蒸発効率の推定.農業気象,53(2),131-140(1997).
・ 木村玲二・近藤純正・大槻恭一・木原康孝:潜熱輸送に対する葉面バルク係数のモデル化と芝生圃場への適用.農業気象,53(4),307-314(1997).
・ Kimura, R. and Kondo, J. : Heat balance model over a vegetated area and its application to a paddy field. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 76(6),937-953 (1998).
・ 木村玲二・近藤純正・大槻恭一・神近牧男:植生面蒸発散量のモデリング-モデルおよび観測による検証-.水文水資源学会誌,12(1),17-27(1999).
・ Kimura, R. and Kondo, J. : Studies on the relationships among the leaf transfer coefficient for water vapor, soil water content, and spectral reflectance. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 77(4),873-886 (1999).
・ Kimura, R., Otsuki, K. and Kamichika, M. : Relationships between the zero-plane displacement and the roughness length over sorghum and alfalfa canopies. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, 55(1), 15-24 (1999).
・ 木村玲二・木村和義・田中丸重美・大槻恭一:雨濡れによる作物葉の分光反射特性と植生活性度指数.水文水資源学会誌,13(5),355-361(2000).
・ 木村玲二・石島英・横山拓哉:赤外線放射温度計による地表面温度と熱収支モデル計算による地表面温度の比較.天気,48(6),371-382(2001).
・ 木村玲二:沖縄本島における気候の特徴と人工的因子が各地の気温に及ぼす影響について.農業気象,57(4),193-200(2001).
・ 下瀬龍・木村玲二・石島英:沖縄本島都市域における熱収支の季節変化. 水文水資源学会誌,15(1),51-59(2002).
・ Kato, T., Kimura, R. and Kamichika, M.: Estimation of evapotranspiration, transpiration ratio and water-use efficiency from a sparse canopy using a compartment model. Agricultural Water Management, 65, 173-191(2004).
・ 木村玲二・高山成・神近牧男・松岡延浩:黄土高原における土壌水分と熱収支-土壌3層モデル内のパラメーターの決定とモデル計算の結果-.農業気象,60(1),55-65(2004).
・ Kimura, R., Kamichika, M., Takayama, N., Matsuoka, N. and Zhang, X : Heat balance and soil moisture in the Loess Plateau, China. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, 60(2), 103-113 (2004).
・ Kimura, R., Okada, S., Miura, H. and Kamichika, M.: Relationships among the leaf area index, moisture availability, and spectral reflectance in an upland rice field. Agricultural Water Management, 69, 83-100 (2004).
・ Takayama, N., Kimura, R., Kamichika, M., Matsuoka, N. and Zhang, X.: Climatic features of rainfall in the Loess Plateau in China. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, 60(3), 173-189 (2004).
・ 佐々木喜一・木村玲二・伊志嶺正人・大田守也:宮古島サトウキビ畑における蒸発散量.農業気象,61(1),77-81 (2005).
・ Okatsu, K., Kimura, R. and Kamichika, M.: Estimation of evaporation from a bare soil surface using a zero flux plane method. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, 60(5), 1089-1092 (2005).
・ Kimura, R., Liu, Y., Takayama, N., Kamichika, M., Matsuoka, N. and Zhang, X.: Heat balance and soil water content for bare soil surfaces in the Loess Plateau, China. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, 60(5), 1013-1016 (2005).
・ Kimura, R., Liu, Y., Takayama, N., Zhang, X., Kamichika, M. and Matsuoka, N.: Heat and water balances of the bare soil surface and the potential distribution of vegetation in the Loess Plateau, China. Journal of Arid Environments, 63, 439-457 (2005).
・ 河合隆行・神近牧男・多田泰之・安田裕・井上光弘・木村玲二:砂地における浅層から深層への連動的降雨浸透プロセス.日本砂丘学会誌,52(3),103-116 (2005).
・ Kimura, R., Fan, J., Zhang, X., Takayama, N., Kamichika, M. and Matsuoka, N.: Evapotranspiration over the grassland field in the Liudaogou basin of the Loess Plateau, China. Acta Oecologica, 29, 45-53 (2006).
・ 河合隆行・神近牧男・木村玲二・多田泰之・小玉芳敬・佐倉保夫:集塵機を用いた砂地における簡易ボーリング法.日本砂丘学会誌,52(3),91-102 (2006).
・ Liu, Y., Hiyama, T., Kimura, R. and Yamaguchi, Y.: Temporal influences on Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper image in visible band. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 27, 3183-3201 (2006).
・ 山田優・木村玲二・杉村芙美子・神近牧男:放射温度による無次元蒸発散量の評価について.農業気象,62(4),133-137(2006).
・ Kimura, R., Bai, L., Fan, J., Takayama, N. and Hinokidani, O.: Evapo-transpiration estimation over the river basin of the Loess Plateau of China based on remote sensing. Journal of Arid Environments, 68, 53-65 (2007).
・ Munkhtsetseg, E., Kimura, R., Wang, J. and Shinoda, M.: Pasture yield response to precipitation and high temperature in Mongolia. Journal of Arid Environments, 70, 94-110 (2007).
・ Kimura, R.: Estimation of moisture availability over the Liudaogou river basin of the Loess Plateau using new indices with surface temperature. Journal of Arid Environments, 70, 237-252 (2007).
・ Liu, Y., Yano, T., Nishiyama, S. and Kimura, R.: Radiometric correction for linear change-detection techniques: analysis in bi-temporal space. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 28, 5143-5157 (2007).
・ Munkhtsetseg, E., Shinoda, M. and Kimura, R.: Stomatal conductance response to environmental variables and its relations to water vapor flux over a soybean planted sand dune field in a coastal area. Journal of Sand Dune, Japan, 54, 121-132 (2007).
・ Takagi, K., Kimura, R. and Saylan, L.: Variability of surface characteristics and energy flux patterns of sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea L.) under well watered conditions. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 96, 261-273 (2009).
・ Kimura, R., Bai, L. and Wang, J.: Relationships among dust outbreaks, vegetation cover, and surface soil water content on the Loess Plateau of China, 1999-2000. CATENA, 77, 292-296 (2009).
・ Kimura, R. and Shinoda, M.: Spatial distribution of threshold wind speeds for dust outbreaks in northeast Asia. Geomorphology, 114, 319-325 (2010).
・ 高山成・矢野裕幸・木村玲二・神近牧男:鳥取砂丘の草原化に対する景観保全活動に伴う植生分布の変遷と砂面変動のモニタリング.ランドスケープ研究,2,67-73(2009).
・ Shinoda, M., Kimura, R., Mikami, M., Tsubo, M., Nishihara, E., Ishizuka, M., Yamada, Y., Munkhtsetseg, E., Jugder, D. and Kurosaki, Y.: Characteristics of dust emission in the Mongolian steppe during the 2008 DUVEX intensive observation period. SOLA, 6, 009-012 (2010).
・ Nandintsetseg, B., Shinoda, M., Kimura, R. and Ibaraki, Y.: Relationship between soil moisture and vegetation activity in the Mongolian steppe. SOLA, 6, 029-032 (2010).

・ Bai, L., Liu, L., Kobayashi, T., Matsuoka, N. and Kimura, R.: Monitoring land desertification in northern area of the Loess Plateau by 3S technique - A case study of Shenmu County in Shaanxi Province. Pratacultural science, 27, 32-37 (2010) (in Chinese).
・ Mohamed, A.A., Kimura, R., Shinoda, M. and Moriyama, M.: Diurnal surface temperature difference index derived from ground-based meteorological measurements for assessment of moisture availability. Journal of Arid Environments, 75, 156-163 (2011).
・ 松島大・木村玲二・篠田雅人:熱慣性を用いた表層土壌水分量推定に関する研究.土木学会論文集,67(4),361-366(2011).
・ Mohamed, A.A., Kimura, R. and Shinoda, M.: Integrating meteorological and MODIS land surface temperature data for large-scale moisture availability assessment in the Loess Plateau of China. Journal of Arid Land Studies, 20-4, 189-199 (2011).
・ 木村玲二:黄土高原六道溝流域の自然草地におけるNDVIと降水量、土壌水分との関係.沙漠研究、21-1、1-6 (2011).
・ Saylan, L., Kimura, R., Munkhtsetseg, E. and Kamichika, M.: Seasonal variation of carbon dioxide fluxes over irrigated soybean (Glycine max. L.). Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 105, 277-286 (2011).
・ Kimura, R. and Shinoda, M.: Estimation of surface soil water content from surface temperatures in dust source regions of Mongolia and China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 65, 1847-1853 (2011).
・ 阿不来提阿不力提甫・木村玲二:春季の鳥取砂丘における飛砂発生の特徴.日本砂丘学会誌,58(2),31-40(2011).
・ Matsushima, D., Kimura, R. and Shinoda, M.: Soil moisture estimation using thermal inertia : Potential and sensitivity to data conditions. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 13, 638-648 (2012).
・ 松島大・木村玲二・篠田雅人:熱慣性を用いた裸地面上におけるダスト発生臨界風速の推定法.水工学論文集,68(4), 1789-1794 (2012).
・ Kimura, R.: Factors contributing to dust storms in source regions producing the yellow-sand phenomena observed in Japan from 1993 to 2002. Journal of Arid Environments, 80, 40-44 (2012).

・  Jugder, D., Sugimoto, N., Shinoda, M., Kimura, R., Matsui, I. and Nishikawa, M.: Dust, biomass burning smoke, and anthropogenic aerosol detected by polarization-sensitive Mie lidar measurements in Mongolia. Atmospheric Environment, 54, 231-241 (2012).
・ Kimura, R.: Effect of the strong wind and land cover in dust source regions on the Asian dust event over Japan from 2000 to 2011. SOLA, 8, 077-080 (2012).
・  木村玲二:2003-2011年における黄砂発生源のAMSR-Eから得られた土壌水分と黄砂イベントとの関係.生物と気象,12,59-64(2012).
・  Ishizuka, M., Mikami, M., Yamada, Y., Kimura, R., Kurosaki, Y., Jugder, D., Gantsetseg, B., Cheng, Y. and Shinoda, M.: Does ground surface soil aggregation affect transition of the wind speed threshold for saltation and dust emission? SOLA, 8, 129-132 (2012).

・  Kato, H., Kimura, R., Elbeih, S.F., Iwasaki, E. and Zaghloul, E.A.: Land use change and crop rotation analysis of a government well district in Rashda village - Dakhla Oasis, Egypt based on satellite data. The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science, 15, 185-195 (2012).
・  Yasuda, H., Berndtsson, R., Hinokidani, O., Huang, J., Saito, T., Zheng, J. and Kimura, R.: The impact of plant water uptake and recharge on groundwater level at a site in the Loess Plateau of China. Hydrology Research, 44, 106-116 (2013).
・  Tasumi, M. and Kimura, R.: Estimation of volumetric soil water content over the Liudaogou river basin of the Loess Plateau using the SWEST method with spatial and temporal variability. Agricultural Water Management, 118, 22-28 (2013).
・ Abulaiti,A., Kimura, R. and Wang, W.: Characteristics of dust and saltation frequencies in the center of the Hexi Corridor of China during spring 2011. Journal of Arid Land Studies, 22, 427-434 (2013).
・ Abulaiti, A., Kimura, R. and Shinoda, M.: Vegetation effects on saltation flux in a grassland of Mongolia. Journal of Sand Dune, Japan, 59(3), 117-128 (2013).
・ 木村玲二・阿不来堤阿不力堤甫・多炭雅博・王維真:中国河西回廊の草原荒廃地における蒸発散量.沙漠研究,23,93-99(2014).
・ Jugder, D., Shinoda, M., Kimura, R., Batbolod, A. and Amarjargal, D.: Quantitative analysis on windblown dust concentrations of PM10 (PM2.5) during dust events in Mongolia. Aeolian Research, 14, 3-13 (2014).
・ Kimura, R. and Moriyama, M.: Application of a satellite-based aridity index in dust source regions of northeast Asia. Journal of Arid Environments, 109, 31-38 (2014).
・ Abulaiti, A., Kimura, R., Shinoda, M., Kurosaki, Y., Mikami, M., Ishizuka, M., Yamada, Y., Nishihara, E. and Gantsetseg, B.: An observational study of saltation and dust emission in a hotspot of Mongolia. Aeolian Research, 15, 169-176 (2014).
・ Kimura, R., Moriyama, M. and Bandou, S.: Relationship between land surface temperature and rice quality in Tottori prefecture, Japan. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 36, 5690-5706 (2015).
・ Kimura, R.: Satellite-based mapping of dust erodibility in northeast Asia. Natural Hazards, doi:10.1007/s11069-016-2393-y (2016).
・ Tasumi, M., Kimura, R., Allen, R.G., Moriyama, M. and Trezza, R.: Development of the GCOM-C global ETindex estimation algorithm. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, 72, 85-94. (2016).
・ Kimura, R., Abulaiti, A., Mano, M. and Matsushima, D.: Surface heat flux analysis in Gobi Desert steppe, Mongolia - An observation study. SOLA, 12, 175-180 (2016).
・ Munkhtsetseg, E., Shinoda, M., Gillies, J.A., Kimura, R., King, J. and Nikolich, G.: Relationships between soil moisture and dust emissions in a bare sandy soil of Mongolia. Particuology, 28, 131-137 (2016).
・ Abulaiti, A., Kimura, R. and Kodama, Y.: Effect of flexible and rigid roughness elements on aeolian sand transport. Arid Land Research and Management, DOI: 10.1080/15324982.2016.1260665 (2016).
・ 木村玲二・阿不来堤阿不力堤甫:2012~2014年までの鳥取砂丘の風向・風速の特徴.日本砂丘学会誌,63(2),49-56 (2016).
・ 劉佳啓・木村玲二:小型簡易風洞の境界層形成に関する研究.日本砂丘学会誌,63,113-119 (2017).
・ Kimura, R.: Validation and application of the monitoring method for degraded land area based on a dust erodibility in eastern Asia. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 38, 4553-4564 (2017).
・ 劉佳啓・木村玲二:小型風洞において自然界に近い粗度長を伴う境界層を生成する手法の開発.日本砂丘学会誌,64,1-8 (2017).
・ Munkhtsetseg, E., Shinoda, M., Ishizuka, M., Mikami, M., Kimura, R. and Nicolich, G.: A livestock trampling function for potential emission rate of wind-blown dust in a Mongolian temperate grassland. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17, 11389-11401 (2017).
・ Saylan, L., Kimura, R., Caldag, B. and Akatas, N.: Modeling of soil water content for vegetated surface by artificial neural network and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system. Italian Journal of Agrometeorology, 3, 37-44 (2018).
・ Kimura, R.: Global distribution of degraded land area based on dust erodibility determined from satellite data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 39, 5859-5871 (2018).
・ Liu, J. and Kimura, R.: Wind speed characteristics and blown sand flux over a gravel surface in a compact wind tunnel. Aeolian Research, 35, 39-46 (2018).
・ Kimura, R. and Moriyama, M.: Determination by MODIS satellite-based methods of recent global trends in land surface aridity and degradation. J. Agric. Meteorol, 75(3), 153-159 (2019).

・ Kimura, R. and Moriyama, M.: Recent trends of annual aridity indices and classification of arid regions with satellite-based aridity indices. Remote Sensing in Earth System Sciences. 2, 88-95 (2019).
・ Alhamshry, A., Fenta, A.A., Yasuda, H., Kimura, R. and Shimizu, K.: Seasonal peak rainfall variability in Ethiopia and its long-term link to global sea surface temperatures. Water, 12(1), 55; (2019).
・ Takayama, N., Kimura, R., Liu, J. and Moriyama, M.: Long-term spatial distribution of vegetation and sand movement following the commencement of landscape conservation activities to curb grassland encroachment at the Tottori Sand Dunes natural monument. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 41, 3070-3094 (2019).
・ Matsushima, D., Kimura, R., Kurosaki, Y., Ganzorig, U. and Shinoda, M.: A method for estimating the threshold wind speed for dust emissions as a function of soil moisture. Boundary Layer Meteorology, (2020).

・ Kimura, R.: Global Detection of Aridification or Increasing Wetness in Arid Regions from 2001 to 2013. Natural Hazards, 103, 2261-2276 (2020).
・ Liu, J., Kimura, R. and Wu, J.: Vertical profiles of wind-blown sand flux over fine gravel surfaces and their implications for field observation in arid regions. Atmosphere, 11, 1029; doi:10.3390/atmos11101029 (2020).
・ Kimura, R. and Moriyama, M.: Use of a satellite-based aridity index to monitor decreased soil water content and grass growth in grasslands of north-east Asia. Remote Sensing, 12, 3556; doi:10.3390/rs12213556 (2020).

・ Liu, J., Kimura, R., Miyawaki, M. and Kinugasa, T.: Effects of plants with different shapes and coverage on the blown-sand flux and roughness length examined by wind tunnel experiments. Catena, 197, 104976 (2021).
・ Kinugasa, T., Sagayama, T., Gantsetseg, B., Liu, J. and Kimura, R.: Effect of simulated grazing on sediment trapping by single plants: A wind-tunnel experiment with two grassland species in Mongolia. Catena, 202, 105262 (2021).
・ Kimura, R. and Moriyama, M.: Use of a MODIS Satellite-Based Aridity Index to Monitor Drought Conditions in Mongolia from 2001 to 2013. Remote Sensing, 13, 2561; (2021).
・ Liu, J., Kimura, R. and Wu, J.: Aerodynamic characteristics over fine-grained gravel surfaces in a wind tunnel. Front. Earth Sci. 9:758910. doi: 10.3389/feart.2021.758910 (2021).
・ Kawai, K., Matsui, H., Kimura, R. and Shinoda, M.: High sensitivity of Asian dust emission, transport, and climate impacts to threshold friction velocity. SOLA, 17, 239-245 (2021).
・ 木村玲二・栗山勇輝・森山雅雄:MODIS衛星データによる曇天率を用いた日照時間や降水量の空間分布図の作成―鳥取県での事例―.生物と気象,22,53-57 (2022).

・ Liu, J., Kimura, R., Wu, J. and Kawai, T.: Use of UAV Photogrammetry for Monitoring Topographic Changes in the Tottori Sand Dunes, Japan. Sand Dune Research, 69(1), 1-9 (July 2022).
・ Kimura, R.: Interannual changes of land surface conditions in Asian dust source regions since 2000. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, 78(4), 174-181 (Oct. 2022).
・ Liu, J., Wu, J. and Kimura, R.: Evaluating the sand-trapping efficiency of sand fences using a combination of wind-blown sand measurements and UAV photogrammetry at Tottori sand dunes, Japan. Remote Sensing, 15(4), 1098; (Feb. 2023)
・ Kimura, R., Moriyama, M. and Saylan, L.: Monitoring of recent aridification in Türkiye using MODIS satellite data from 2000 to 2021. SOLA, 19, 94-100 (May. 2023)


・ 久米篤・大槻恭一・熊谷朝臣・小川滋 監訳:生物環境物理学の基礎第2版(木村玲二:第3章担当),森北出版,315pp.(2003)
・ 日本農業気象学会中国・四国支部:中国四国地域の農業気象(木村玲二:第2章担当),農林統計協会,219pp.(2003)
・ 堀口郁夫・小林哲夫・塚本修・大槻恭一 編著:局地気象学(木村玲二:第2.5.2節担当),森北出版,244pp.(2004)
・ 乾燥地研究センター監修・恒川篤史編:21世紀の乾燥地科学-人と自然の持続性-(木村玲二:第1-1節,1-4節担当),古今書院,246pp. (2007)
・ 乾燥地研究センター監修・山中典和編:黄土高原の砂漠化とその対策(木村玲二:第1-2節,3-1節担当),古今書院,247pp. (2008)
・ 乾燥地研究センター監修・山本太平編:乾燥地の土地劣化とその対策(木村玲二:第2-1節担当),古今書院,262pp. (2008)

・ Kimura, R. and Takayama, N.: Climate of the Loess Plateau. (Tsunekawa, A. et al. (eds.), Restoration and Development of the Degraded Loess Plateau, China), Springer, Japan, 23-33. (2013)
・ Kimura, R.: Monitoring regional desertification. (Tsunekawa, A. et al. (eds.), Restoration and Development of the Degraded Loess Plateau, China), Springer, Japan, 175-182. (2013)

・ 乾燥地研究センター監修・黒崎泰典・黒沢洋一・篠田雅人・山中典和編:黄砂-健康・生活環境への影響と対策(木村玲二:第3-1節担当)、丸善出版、150pp.(2016)
・ 鳥取大学国際乾燥地研究教育機構監修・小玉芳敬・永松大・高田健一編:鳥取砂丘学(木村玲二:第3節担当)、古今書院、104pp.(2017)

・ Kimura, R.: Climate Features of Dakhla Oasis. (Iwasaki, E., Negm, A.M., Elbeih, S.F. (Eds.), Sustainable water solutions in the western desert, Egypt: Dakhla Oasis), Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 89-99. (2021)
・ Kimura, R.: Natural environment of sand dunes. (Nagamatsu, D. (Eds.), Tottori Sand Dunes), Imaisyuppan, Japan, 30-34. (2022)


・ 大槻恭一・木村玲二・神近牧男:吹走距離の増加に伴うソルゴー圃場の熱収支の変化.平成6年度科学研究費補助金(一般研究C)研究成果報告書,pp.29-39.(1995)
・ 木村玲二・石島英:沖縄本島北部森林地帯からの蒸発散量の試算.琉球大学理学部紀要,68,13-21.(1999)
・ 石島英・木村玲二・横山拓哉・下瀬龍・吉永安俊:沖縄本島北部の地表面温度観測と水収支の予備解析.琉球大学理学部紀要,70,49-62.(2000)
・ 吉永安俊・石島英:沖縄本島北部地域の水収支に関する研究.平成10~11年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究C)研究成果報告書,pp.40-48.(2000)
・ 木村玲二:航空機リモートセンシングにより得られた混在土地被覆域の地表面温度と1次元熱収支モデルによるその評価.第2回小スケール放射環境研究会報告,生物と気象,3(1),17-20.(2003)
・ 矢野裕幸・岡田周平・高山成・木村玲二・神近牧男:鳥取砂丘の砂移動について-砂面変動の面的解析-.中国四国の農業気象,17,2-7.(2004)
・ 木村玲二:中国黄土高原における熱・水収支特性に関する研究.21世紀COEプログラム・拠点大学交流事業成果報告書(ISBN4-9902265-0-X).(2004)
・ 木村玲二:中国黄土高原における裸地面の熱収支・水収支と植物分布力の潜在性.畑地農業,554,14-20.(2005)
・ 西川僚子・村上拓彦・大槻恭一・木村玲二・溝上展也・吉田茂二朗:リモートセンシングデータおよび地上測定データからみた竹林の分光反射特性の季節変動.九州森林研究,58,119-112.(2005)
・ 木村玲二:市民公開講座「砂丘地から始める「乾燥地農学」のススメ」Ⅲ.乾燥地の気候.日本砂丘学会誌,52(3),131-134.(2006)
・ 木村玲二:熱・水収支特性から見た中国黄土高原における砂漠化対処.21世紀COEプログラム・拠点大学交流事業成果報告書(ISBN4-9902265-1-8).(2006)
・ 木村玲二・神近牧男:土壌3層モデルの構築と中国黄土高原への適用事例.黄河流域の農業・牧畜業地域に対する砂漠化ハザードマップ作成.科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(B)海外)課題番号16404005成果報告書,pp.25-40. (2007)
・ Perveen, Mst. F., Nagasawa, R., Ahmed, A.O.C., Uddin, Md. I. and Kimura, R.: Integrating biophysical and socio-economic data using GIS for land evaluation of wheat cultivation: A case study in north-west Bangladesh. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 6, 432-437 (2008).
・ 安田裕・檜谷治・黄金柏・斉藤忠臣・安養寺久男・木村玲二・張興昌:中国黄土高原堆積貯水池(ダム農地)の地下水流動調査報告 乾燥環境下での植生の吸水が地下水位変動に及ぼす影響.水文・水資源学会誌,22,301-306.(2009)
・ Kimura, R.: A collection of academic papers on atmosphere-land surface interaction of the Loess Plateau, China. 126pp. (2010)

・ Kato, h., Iwasaki, E., Nagasawa, E., Anyoji, H., Matsuoka, N. and Kimura, R.: Rashda, System of irrigation and cultivation in a village in Dakhla oasis. Mediterranean world, 20, 1-45. (2010).
・ Huang, J., Hinokidani, O., Yasuda, H., Kimura, R. and Zheng, J.: Monthly water budget of small basin in northern of Loess Plateau, China. Journal of Northeast Agricultural University, 17(4), 14-19. (2010).

・ Kato, H., Kimura, R., Elbeih, S.F., Iwasaki, E. and Zaghloul, E.A.: Land use change and crop rotation in Rashda village, Dakhla Oasis, Egypt: Analysis of a government well district based on satellite data. Mediterranean world, 21, 235-266. (2012).
・ Abdelbasit, M.A.M., Ohja, C.S.P., Huang, J., Yasuda, H., Kimura, R. and Ahmed, Z.: Relationship between rainfall erosivity indicators under arid environments: Case of Liudaogou basin in Chinese Loess Plateau. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 11(2), 1073-1077 (2013).
・ Kimura, R.: Land surface process in Asian dust source regions. 154pp. (2013).
・ Kimura, R., Moriyama M., Abulaiti, A.: Application of index based on the land surface temperature to estimate the threshold wind speed for saltation activity. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering, B2(4), 238-247 (2013).
・ Kimura, R.: Field studies of frontal area index in rangeland of Mongolia. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering, A2(6), 359-363 (2013).
・ Mohamed, A.A. and Kimura, R.: Applying the moisture availability index (NTDI) over vegetated land in central Asia: Mongolian steppe. Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 6, 1335-1343 (2014).

・ Kimura, R., Kato, H. and Iwasaki, E.: Cultivation features using meteorological and satellite data from 2001 to 2010 in Dakhla Oasis, Egypt. Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 7, 209-218 (2015).
・ 木村玲二:近年における乾燥地の気候学的状況と土地劣化.沙漠研究、31(4)、87-93(2022)